Travelling.. Your passion, our task!



  • Only for Families. Families can access to these benefits, how? By being a family, and this includes aunts, uncles and cousins. Your grand Pa’s and Ma’s are included too. Whenever you book Family Travel automatically you will get the status of Private Tours without paying for a private tour, you will just pay the group price. BUT, You will have to prove us you are a family!
  • We love kids. That is why whenever there are kids under 10, you will get 10% discount of their expedition.
  • Family groups.  You know another like-minded family that would love to do the same trip? We will be very happy to take both or more families in just one private group. Just talk about it with the other family and let us know.
  • Why families get group prices for a private tourWe know that economy works differently on a family and we also know that travelling with kids can be hard. Also at the times of activities it can be difficult to follow up the group. Families want to enjoy the places visited at their own pace too and within their own circle. We don’t want to break that comfort and we don’t want that to be an impediment for a family to travel.
  • Entertaining trip. A trip just can’t be entertaining while travelling if a family is part of a larger group, because we know that keeping entertained the kids is probably one of the most difficult challenges. That is why based on the expedition you choose we will suggest to stay longer at some places or to shorten the stay at others.
  • Only for families with kids or old grand pa’s?.

Yes, you must have kids up to 13. If there’s no kids and you want to travel with your grand pa’s and ma’s, that is admitted too.

  • Minimum number of family members allowed: 03.



  • Just pick any of the expeditions and request an expedition.
  • Send us a contact message by writing “I WANT FAMILY TRAVEL”, and tell us about your family giving us details of the family members like : age, weight & height.
  •  Straight away our booking consultants besides starting planning your Trip of your Life, will take contact with the right guide (experienced guide who worked before with families) and will let you know availability ASAP.